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Author bbrazil
Recipients bbrazil, eric.araujo, jemfinch, jlgijsbers, loewis, tarek
Date 2010-08-08.14:53:09
SpamBayes Score 8.588549e-09
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Here's a quick test:

Python 3.2a1+ (py3k:83811, Aug  8 2010, 09:00:22) 
[GCC 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os, shutil
>>> open('a', 'w').write('a')
>>> open('b', 'w').write('b')
>>> os.chmod('b', 000)
>>> shutil.move('a', 'b')
>>> open('b').read()

This is the correct behaviour on Unix, so I'd say this can be closed off.
Date User Action Args
2010-08-08 14:53:13bbrazilsetrecipients: + bbrazil, loewis, jlgijsbers, jemfinch, tarek, eric.araujo
2010-08-08 14:53:11bbrazilsetmessageid: <>
2010-08-08 14:53:10bbrazillinkissue1076515 messages
2010-08-08 14:53:10bbrazilcreate