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Author jbit
Recipients jbit, r.david.murray, vstinner
Date 2010-07-13.15:44:05
SpamBayes Score 0.0001204978
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Thanks for the update... The link was actually just a "diff to previous" of the changelist that caused the problem (r56987), sorry for the confusion. :)

Attached is a quick and dirty unittest complete with some test files. It only tests the format of the file though, not any of the additional information returned.

With an untouched it finds the issue reported, and with sndhdr-fix.patch applied it reports only one issue:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 22, in test_aiff
    self.assertEqual(ret[0], 'aiff')
AssertionError: b'aiff' != 'aiff'

I'm thinking that on line 65 of the b'aiff' should be just 'aiff' (like everything else). At least I can't see a reason for it to be different. (Changing this fixes the unittest issue)

Date User Action Args
2010-07-13 15:44:08jbitsetrecipients: + jbit, vstinner, r.david.murray
2010-07-13 15:44:07jbitsetmessageid: <>
2010-07-13 15:44:06jbitlinkissue9243 messages
2010-07-13 15:44:05jbitcreate