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Author belopolsky
Recipients belopolsky, db3l, mark.dickinson, ned.deily, ronaldoussoren, vstinner
Date 2010-06-22.00:37:11
SpamBayes Score 0.008360399
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Apparently, the failure on OSX is due to the fact that urllib.proxy_bypass('localhost') returns True.  This makes the opener to bypass the ProxyHandler that is explicitly set up to use the correct server port:

    def setUp(self):
        proxy_url = "" % self.server.port
        handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http" : proxy_url})
        self.proxy_digest_handler = urllib2.ProxyDigestAuthHandler()
        self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler, self.proxy_digest_handler)

instead, the opener skips to the default HTTPHandler which attempts to connect on port 80 with sad results.


>>> urllib.proxy_bypass('')

So the simplest fix is s/localhost/ as done in the attached patch (issue8455.diff).
Date User Action Args
2010-06-22 00:37:15belopolskysetrecipients: + belopolsky, db3l, ronaldoussoren, mark.dickinson, vstinner, ned.deily
2010-06-22 00:37:15belopolskysetmessageid: <>
2010-06-22 00:37:13belopolskylinkissue8455 messages
2010-06-22 00:37:12belopolskycreate