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Author eric.araujo
Recipients eric.araujo, orsenthil, pitrou, techtonik
Date 2010-06-19.23:12:21
SpamBayes Score 0.0004945477
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I’m sorry to have launched this thread. I hadn’t thought that Senthil
is doing a lot of good work on HTTP and URI-related modules, and I wanted
to express my feeling that this bug would not get fixed without someone
proposing a patch. I didn’t want to imply that the request was not valid
nor to discourage bug reporters. If I did, I sincerely apologize.

To address the issues Anatoly raised before I stop being off-topic:

1) Patch submission: You can already use Mercurial to prepare patches
(bare Mercurial, MQ or pbranch, on top of a Subversion checkout or
Mercurial clone (, kindly maintained by Antoine).

2) No maintainer for CGI: The term “maintainer” is explained at the top of
the Misc/maintainers.rst file, it means a core developer taking special
care of one area or module. All core developpers are collectively
maintaining the whole stdlib; a module without a dedicated maintainer is
*not* unmaintained.

3) Nothing better than CGI in stdlib: BaseHTTPServer is handy for quick
testing; wsgiref is okay for quick testing of WSGI applications.
Third-party servers have different design goals and advantages for various
classes of users.

4) The header thing is a bug; I’ll search whether it’s already reported.

5) Current workflow seems good to the vast majority of contributors. I’ve
been contributing for a few months and found the workflow reasonable and
working, like a lot of people. That said, a Web UI for doc changes with
live preview may be a good way to let non-programmers propose fixes;
please open a feature request on Sphinx’ tracker (on Bitbucket) or ask for
opinions on Again, we’re all volunteers here, so “you
should do X” works a lot less than “I want to do X”.

I hope I have provided some hints and data points; I do not wish this
off-topic discussion to continue. Like Antoine said, we now understand your
viewpoint, and your suggestions for improvement would be more fruitful on
relevant mailing lists. Regards
Date User Action Args
2010-06-19 23:12:24eric.araujosetrecipients: + eric.araujo, orsenthil, pitrou, techtonik
2010-06-19 23:12:24eric.araujosetmessageid: <>
2010-06-19 23:12:23eric.araujolinkissue9008 messages
2010-06-19 23:12:21eric.araujocreate