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Author daniel.urban
Recipients daniel.urban, debatem1, eric.araujo, exarkun, gdamjan, giampaolo.rodola, gregory.p.smith, heikki, jsamuel, loewis, mcrute, pitrou
Date 2010-06-18.06:39:19
SpamBayes Score 0.07616514
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
>  * When I have thought about Python crypto in the stdlib, I've considered modeling it after hashlib, so you would get cipher = cryptolib.AES(bits=192, ...) etc. (Caveat: haven't thought it through.)

I think there is a relevant PEP: PEP 272 -- API for Block Encryption Algorithms v1.0 ( )
It describes an API somewhat similar to hashlib.
Date User Action Args
2010-06-18 06:39:21daniel.urbansetrecipients: + daniel.urban, loewis, gregory.p.smith, exarkun, pitrou, giampaolo.rodola, gdamjan, heikki, eric.araujo, debatem1, mcrute, jsamuel
2010-06-18 06:39:21daniel.urbansetmessageid: <>
2010-06-18 06:39:19daniel.urbanlinkissue8998 messages
2010-06-18 06:39:19daniel.urbancreate