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Author vinay.sajip
Recipients PeterL, vinay.sajip
Date 2010-06-10.19:29:59
SpamBayes Score 0.023807101
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
It seems like the logging message will be Unicode (as you have specified that it should be so) but the exception message will be string. Can you confirm whether this is the case? What type is the return value of Formatter.formatException for the specific exception you're getting, in your exact environment?

If it's not Unicode, can you see what happens if you use a subclassed Formatter whose formatException decodes the returned value from the base class formatException with the appropriate encoding, and return Unicode from your overridden formatException message?
Date User Action Args
2010-06-10 19:30:02vinay.sajipsetrecipients: + vinay.sajip, PeterL
2010-06-10 19:30:02vinay.sajipsetmessageid: <>
2010-06-10 19:29:59vinay.sajiplinkissue8924 messages
2010-06-10 19:29:59vinay.sajipcreate