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Author drkirkby
Recipients drkirkby, loewis
Date 2010-05-29.15:33:22
SpamBayes Score 0.087241285
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Two points I should have stated. 


has a discussion about this issue. It was related to someone trying to install "Plone" but the problem is a failure of _socket to build. I'm trying to build the port the Sage maths software to OpenSolaris, and hit the problem there. 

2) If a *serious* developer would like access to the OpenSolaris machine which shows this problem, I can give you a temporary account. Drop me a private email. Otherwise, you can install OpenSolaris on a virtual machine under VirtualBox, or I can do my best to debug it with some help from a developer. 

Date User Action Args
2010-05-29 15:33:24drkirkbysetrecipients: + drkirkby, loewis
2010-05-29 15:33:24drkirkbysetmessageid: <>
2010-05-29 15:33:22drkirkbylinkissue8852 messages
2010-05-29 15:33:22drkirkbycreate