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Author srid
Recipients srid, tarek
Date 2010-05-20.16:07:51
SpamBayes Score 0.0006647649
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
On 2010-05-20, at 2:45 AM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:

> So I'd rather have two APIs answering to that:
> - get_current_scheme() : what's the default scheme for this python installation ?
> - get_current_user_scheme() :  what's the default user scheme for his python installation


> Next, if you want to browse the various available schemes for the platform, we could change "get_scheme_names()" and add a new parameter, saying that we want only the scheme for the current OS:
>  get_scheme_names(current_platform=False)

+1 as well. Perhaps `get_scheme_names(all=True)`? This seems like it can be done for 2.7, if found to be worthy of implementation.
Date User Action Args
2010-05-20 16:07:54sridsetrecipients: + srid, tarek
2010-05-20 16:07:51sridlinkissue8772 messages
2010-05-20 16:07:51sridcreate