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Author nschloe
Recipients nschloe
Date 2010-05-04.09:47:19
SpamBayes Score 0.016368473
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>

I ran into a bit of an unexpected issue here with itertools.

I need to say that I discovered itertools only recently, and that maybe my way of approaching the problem is "not what I want to do". If you think this may be the case, please let me know.

Anyway, the problem is the following:
I have a list of dictionaries, something like

[ { "a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 3 },
  { "a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 4 },

and I'd like to iterate through all items with, e.g., "a":1. What I do is sort and then groupby,

my_list.sort( key=operator.itemgetter('a') )
my_list_grouped = itertools.groupby( my_list, operator.itemgetter('a') )

and then just very simply iterate over my_list_grouped,

for my_item in my_list_grouped:
    # do something with my_item[0], my_item[1]

Now, inside this loop I'd like to again iterate over all items with the same 'b'-value -- no problem, just do the above inside the loop:

for my_item in my_list_grouped:
        # group by keyword "b"
        my_list2 = list( my_item[1] )
        my_list2.sort( key=operator.itemgetter('b') )
        my_list_grouped = itertools.groupby( my_list2, operator.itemgetter('b') )
        for e in my_list_grouped:
            # do something with e[0], e[1]

That seems to work all right.

Now, the problem occurs when this all is wrapped into an outer loop, such as

for k in [ 'first pass', 'second pass' ]:
    for my_item in my_list_grouped:
    # bla, the above

To be able to iterate more than once through my_list_grouped, I have to convert it into a list first, so outside all loops, I go like

my_list.sort( key=operator.itemgetter('a') )
my_list_grouped = itertools.groupby( my_list, operator.itemgetter('a') )
my_list_grouped = list( my_list_grouped )

This, however, makes it impossible to do the inner sort and groupby-operation; you just get the very first element, and that's it.

An example file is attached.

Is there anything that I can do to debug?

Date User Action Args
2010-05-04 09:47:22nschloesetrecipients: + nschloe
2010-05-04 09:47:22nschloesetmessageid: <>
2010-05-04 09:47:21nschloelinkissue8609 messages
2010-05-04 09:47:20nschloecreate