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Author pakal
Recipients ajaksu2, amaury.forgeotdarc, pakal, pitrou, vstinner
Date 2010-04-28.17:23:20
SpamBayes Score 0.011719203
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
>Probably an oversight. Do you want to add some tests?

That's WIP

> Because it's not an IO error at all. No I/O occurs. You are just using
the file wrongly (or the wrong file), hence the ValueError.

Then when you try to wrap a non-readable stream into a readable buffered stream (like BufferedRWPair), it should raise a value error as well, but currently it's rather:
"""if not reader.readable(): raise IOError('"reader" argument must be readable.')"""
Date User Action Args
2010-04-28 17:23:22pakalsetrecipients: + pakal, amaury.forgeotdarc, pitrou, vstinner, ajaksu2
2010-04-28 17:23:22pakalsetmessageid: <>
2010-04-28 17:23:21pakallinkissue7865 messages
2010-04-28 17:23:20pakalcreate