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Author skrah
Recipients akuchling, asmodai, mark.dickinson, r.david.murray, rpetrov, skrah
Date 2010-04-24.09:24:31
SpamBayes Score 6.0437317e-09
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I included the test for libtinfo in the latest patch. The patch is tested
on Fedora and correctly links the curses module with -lncursesw.

This means that the ldd method works on all buildbots, OpenBSD, OpenSolaris
and Fedora.
Date User Action Args
2010-04-24 09:24:34skrahsetrecipients: + skrah, akuchling, mark.dickinson, asmodai, rpetrov, r.david.murray
2010-04-24 09:24:34skrahsetmessageid: <>
2010-04-24 09:24:33skrahlinkissue7384 messages
2010-04-24 09:24:33skrahcreate