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Author skip.montanaro
Recipients ned.deily, skip.montanaro
Date 2010-04-15.10:59:21
SpamBayes Score 1.0511646e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
The patches referenced in issue7713 just unconditionally delete certain
directories from the search path(s).  This patch (now attached) allows
the user to control that.  I presume, for instance, if the MacPorts
folks don't want /usr/X11/... in search paths that they don't have
/usr/X11/bin in PATH when they build Python.  This concept can be
extended to other such directories.  I was mostly concerned about the
Fink and MacPorts directories since they came up in the thread on
Date User Action Args
2010-04-15 10:59:23skip.montanarosetrecipients: + skip.montanaro, ned.deily
2010-04-15 10:59:23skip.montanarosetmessageid: <>
2010-04-15 10:59:21skip.montanarolinkissue8406 messages
2010-04-15 10:59:21skip.montanarocreate