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Author Dmitry.Jemerov
Recipients Dmitry.Jemerov
Date 2010-03-12.15:37:43
SpamBayes Score 1.2506241e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I'm trying to download a file from a site using HTTP authentication. I'm subclassing FancyURLOpener, returning my credentials from the prompt_user_passwd() method, and using opener.retrieve() to download the file. I get the following error:

  File "C:/JetBrains/IDEA/build/eap/", line 36, in download
    opener.retrieve(url, os.path.join(target_path, name))
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1467, in retrieve
    fp =, data)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1435, in open
    return getattr(self, name)(url)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1609, in open_http
    return self._open_generic_http(http.client.HTTPConnection, url, data)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1605, in _open_generic_http
    response.status, response.reason, response.msg, data)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1621, in http_error
    result = method(url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1859, in http_error_401
    return getattr(self,name)(url, realm)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1931, in retry_http_basic_auth
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1435, in open
    return getattr(self, name)(url)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1609, in open_http
    return self._open_generic_http(http.client.HTTPConnection, url, data)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\urllib\", line 1571, in _open_generic_http
    auth = base64.b64encode(user_passwd).strip()
  File "C:\Python31\lib\", line 56, in b64encode
    raise TypeError("expected bytes, not %s" % s.__class__.__name__)
TypeError: expected bytes, not str

The problem happens because _open_generic_http extracts the user password from the string URL, and passes the string to the b64encode method, which only accepts bytes and not strings. The problem happens with Python 3.1.1 for me, but as far as I can see it's still not fixed in the py3k branch as of now.
Date User Action Args
2010-03-12 15:37:45Dmitry.Jemerovsetrecipients: + Dmitry.Jemerov
2010-03-12 15:37:45Dmitry.Jemerovsetmessageid: <>
2010-03-12 15:37:43Dmitry.Jemerovlinkissue8123 messages
2010-03-12 15:37:43Dmitry.Jemerovcreate