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Title: platform module doesn't detect Windows 7
Type: behavior Stage: resolved
Components: Library (Lib), Windows Versions: Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 2.7, Python 2.6
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: brian.curtin Nosy List: aluky, brian.curtin, ezio.melotti, lemburg
Priority: normal Keywords: needs review, patch

Created on 2010-02-05 23:32 by aluky, last changed 2022-04-11 14:56 by admin. This issue is now closed.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
issue7863.diff brian.curtin, 2010-04-21 22:39 trunk patch
Messages (17)
msg98920 - (view) Author: Ad Aluky (aluky) Date: 2010-02-05 23:32
Running python 32 bit on Windows 7 64 bit:
>>> import platform
>>> platform.platform()

Should be corrected to display

>        elif maj == 6:
>            if min == 0:
>                    # ..................
>                    release = 'Vista'
>                else:
>                    if productType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION:
>                        release = 'Vista'
>                    else:
>                        release = '2008Server'
>            elif min == 1:
>                release = '7'
>            else:
>                release = 'post2008Server'
msg98921 - (view) Author: Ezio Melotti (ezio.melotti) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-05 23:37
Confirmed on Python 2.7a2.
msg98923 - (view) Author: Brian Curtin (brian.curtin) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-05 23:58
Note that this will also need the Workstation check that 6.0 has right above this, because both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are version 6.1.x.

Also of note is that sys.getwindowsversion (renamed as GetVersionEx here) has been expanded to make use of the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure in trunk and py3k, which will make things like getting the platform and service pack info cleaner.

I'll work on a patch.
msg98927 - (view) Author: Brian Curtin (brian.curtin) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-06 01:57
Here's a patch which fixes this on trunk. 

2.6/3.1 is a different story as there doesn't appear to be a way to get the platform type to differentiate workstation/server. #7766 is what makes it easy on trunk, but it's a new feature and isn't backported. Thoughts?
msg99160 - (view) Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg (lemburg) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-10 09:00
Brian Curtin wrote:
> Brian Curtin <> added the comment:
> Here's a patch which fixes this on trunk. 
> 2.6/3.1 is a different story as there doesn't appear to be a way to get the platform type to differentiate workstation/server. #7766 is what makes it easy on trunk, but it's a new feature and isn't backported. Thoughts?

We can't backport #7766, so unless there's some win32 or OS env var trick
that we could apply, I'm not sure whether Windows 7 support can be
added to 2.6/3.1.

I don't have access to a Windows 7 installation, so can't really
test this on that version. Have you tested the patch on other
Windows versions ?

Esp. the csd change looks like it could break on older versions.
msg99175 - (view) Author: Brian Curtin (brian.curtin) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-10 17:01
I'll look into whatever other trickery could be applied to 2.6/3.1.

The patch against trunk works correctly for Win7, Win 2003 Server SP1, Win XP SP2, and Win 2000 Server SP2. platform.platform() outputs the same info for the latter three OSes whether or not the patch is applied. 

The csd change will work going back to Windows 2000. If we have to support anything prior, which I don't believe we do, then you are correct that it won't work. If that's an issue, I can revert that part of the change.
msg99239 - (view) Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg (lemburg) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-11 21:48
Brian Curtin wrote:
> Brian Curtin <> added the comment:
> I'll look into whatever other trickery could be applied to 2.6/3.1.
> The patch against trunk works correctly for Win7, Win 2003 Server SP1, Win XP SP2, and Win 2000 Server SP2. platform.platform() outputs the same info for the latter three OSes whether or not the patch is applied. 
> The csd change will work going back to Windows 2000. If we have to support anything prior, which I don't believe we do, then you are correct that it won't work. If that's an issue, I can revert that part of the change.

Python 2.7 doesn't support Windows NT, so we should be fine if the
patch can handle Windows 2000 and later.

msg99241 - (view) Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg (lemburg) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-11 21:50
Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:
> Marc-Andre Lemburg <> added the comment:
> Brian Curtin wrote:
>> Brian Curtin <> added the comment:
>> I'll look into whatever other trickery could be applied to 2.6/3.1.
>> The patch against trunk works correctly for Win7, Win 2003 Server SP1, Win XP SP2, and Win 2000 Server SP2. platform.platform() outputs the same info for the latter three OSes whether or not the patch is applied. 
>> The csd change will work going back to Windows 2000. If we have to support anything prior, which I don't believe we do, then you are correct that it won't work. If that's an issue, I can revert that part of the change.
> Python 2.7 doesn't support Windows NT, so we should be fine if the
> patch can handle Windows 2000 and later.
> See

Hmm, then again: supports more than just the latest
Python release, so it's better to only use the new csd
approach for Python versions that do support the new windows
version named tuple return value and fallback to the old style
on all other versions.
msg99922 - (view) Author: Brian Curtin (brian.curtin) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-23 14:58
Here is the patch which checks whether the new info is available and uses it, otherwise it falls back to the original way.
msg99923 - (view) Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg (lemburg) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-23 15:05
Brian Curtin wrote:
> Brian Curtin <> added the comment:
> Here is the patch which checks whether the new info is available and uses it, otherwise it falls back to the original way.

Thanks. Could you apply the same logic to the second hunk of the
patch ?
msg99934 - (view) Author: Brian Curtin (brian.curtin) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-23 17:11
Whoops, sorry. Here is the change as requested. It reverts to the old way when needed, which hardcodes the version to VER_NT_WORKSTATION as it effectively used to. 

Outside of a hackish and incredibly slow method, I have no idea how to figure out workstation vs. server when OSVERSIONINFOEX isn't available. The slow hack would be to use a subprocess to call "systeminfo" and parse the results, but that would take 4-5 seconds at best.

I'll try to get access to a Server 2008 box again after PyCon and see if there's anything I'm missing when trying to identify it.
msg100103 - (view) Author: Brian Curtin (brian.curtin) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-02-25 20:46
This patch should cover everything, and it works with 2.6 as well. In order to figure out workstation vs. server, it uses the ProductName from the registry when it can't the info from getwindowsversion. If it finds a server name, it's a server, otherwise fallback to be a workstation.

This was able to correctly differentiate Vista and Server 2008. I don't have access to Server 2008 R2, but I can't imagine it missing a registry key that exists on every computer I looked at (XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7).
msg103911 - (view) Author: Brian Curtin (brian.curtin) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-04-21 20:50
Any thoughts on this last bit about using the registry to identify between workstation and server?
msg103914 - (view) Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg (lemburg) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-04-21 21:30
Brian Curtin wrote:
> Brian Curtin <> added the comment:
> Any thoughts on this last bit about using the registry to identify between workstation and server?

I can't comment on that since I don't know anything much
about the MS registry and the entries used for the various
versions. Isn't there some page page on MSDN that explains
these ?

I do have one nit with your patch, though: could you please
remove the inline function check_registry() and instead use
a regular if-then-else for this ?

msg103917 - (view) Author: Brian Curtin (brian.curtin) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-04-21 22:39
Updated patch to remove the function.

MSDN says nothing about available registry keys or their information, at least from what I could tell. I guess it is possible that future versions might not have the value we are looking for, but I kind of doubt that, plus the fallback value is what we've been doing all along. I realize that isn't strong reasoning, so I could remove that registry check if you aren't comfortable with it.
msg105122 - (view) Author: Brian Curtin (brian.curtin) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-05-06 03:10
Now that I have access to a Server 2008 R2 machine, I've verified that this fix works there.

Committed in r80857 through r80860.
msg105127 - (view) Author: Marc-Andre Lemburg (lemburg) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-05-06 07:11
Brian Curtin wrote:
> Brian Curtin <> added the comment:
> Now that I have access to a Server 2008 R2 machine, I've verified that this fix works there.
> Committed in r80857 through r80860.

Thanks, Brian.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:56:57adminsetgithub: 52111
2010-05-06 07:11:49lemburgsetmessages: + msg105127
2010-05-06 03:10:45brian.curtinsetstatus: open -> closed
versions: + Python 3.1, Python 3.2
messages: + msg105122

resolution: fixed
stage: patch review -> resolved
2010-04-21 22:39:56brian.curtinsetfiles: + issue7863.diff

messages: + msg103917
2010-04-21 22:30:26brian.curtinsetfiles: - issue7863.diff
2010-04-21 21:30:15lemburgsetmessages: + msg103914
2010-04-21 20:50:31brian.curtinsetmessages: + msg103911
2010-02-25 20:46:32brian.curtinsetfiles: + issue7863.diff

messages: + msg100103
2010-02-25 20:34:02brian.curtinsetfiles: - issue7863_trunk_v2.diff
2010-02-25 20:33:54brian.curtinsetfiles: - issue7863_trunk.diff
2010-02-23 17:11:23brian.curtinsetfiles: + issue7863_trunk_v2.diff

messages: + msg99934
stage: test needed -> patch review
2010-02-23 15:05:36lemburgsetmessages: + msg99923
2010-02-23 14:58:13brian.curtinsetfiles: + issue7863_trunk.diff

messages: + msg99922
2010-02-23 14:56:51brian.curtinsetfiles: - issue7863_trunk.diff
2010-02-11 21:50:54lemburgsetmessages: + msg99241
2010-02-11 21:48:02lemburgsetmessages: + msg99239
2010-02-10 17:01:19brian.curtinsetmessages: + msg99175
2010-02-10 09:00:36lemburgsetmessages: + msg99160
2010-02-06 01:57:39brian.curtinsetfiles: + issue7863_trunk.diff
nosy: lemburg, aluky, ezio.melotti, brian.curtin
messages: + msg98927

components: + Windows
keywords: + patch, needs review
2010-02-05 23:58:28brian.curtinsetassignee: brian.curtin
messages: + msg98923
2010-02-05 23:37:29ezio.melottisetpriority: normal

type: behavior
versions: + Python 2.7
nosy: + brian.curtin, ezio.melotti

messages: + msg98921
stage: test needed
2010-02-05 23:33:45pitrousetnosy: + lemburg
2010-02-05 23:32:24alukycreate