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Title: test_create_connection_service_name fails if "http" isn't listed in /etc/services
Type: behavior Stage:
Components: asyncio, Tests Versions: Python 3.6
Status: open Resolution:
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: gvanrossum, phantal, r.david.murray, yselivanov
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2017-01-13 18:43 by phantal, last changed 2022-04-11 14:58 by admin.

Messages (2)
msg285434 - (view) Author: Brian Vandenberg (phantal) Date: 2017-01-13 18:43
One of our solaris machines doesn't have an entry in /etc/services for "http".  This is causing test_create_connection_service_name to fail.

In my case I can just ignore that particular failure, but as a fix you might consider overtly getting valid service names from the host to test.  Additionally, if you don't already have it you might consider adding a test that validates behavior when using a non-existent service.
msg285442 - (view) Author: R. David Murray (r.david.murray) * (Python committer) Date: 2017-01-13 21:07
It looks like that test already does so (it expects an OSError when passed the service name 'nonsense').
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:58:42adminsetgithub: 73452
2017-01-13 21:07:32r.david.murraysetnosy: + yselivanov, gvanrossum
components: + asyncio
2017-01-13 21:07:18r.david.murraysetnosy: + r.david.murray
messages: + msg285442
2017-01-13 18:43:15phantalcreate