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Title: Missing 3.5.0 RC3 tarballs (FTP) on Fastly nodes
Type: Stage: resolved
Components: Versions: Python 3.5
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: berker.peksag, koobs, martin.panter
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2015-09-08 05:38 by koobs, last changed 2022-04-11 14:58 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (5)
msg250159 - (view) Author: Kubilay Kocak (koobs) (Python triager) Date: 2015-09-08 05:38
3.5.0 rc3 tarballs appear to be missing on:
msg250179 - (view) Author: Martin Panter (martin.panter) * (Python committer) Date: 2015-09-08 11:01
They seem to be there now:

Perhaps you were just too impatient? Or maybe confused by the strange sorting, EXE files following tar files?
msg250193 - (view) Author: Kubilay Kocak (koobs) (Python triager) Date: 2015-09-08 12:41
@Martin, weird, I'm still not seeing any files/dirs matching 'rc3'. 

I have refreshed properly (cache-control 0 + empty cache) and still getting a similar listing.

Fresh fetch output on the index URL:

<a href="Python-3.5.0rc1.tar.xz">Python-3.5.0rc1.tar.xz</a> 11-Aug-2015 01:00 14798596^M
<a href="Python-3.5.0rc1.tar.xz.asc">Python-3.5.0rc1.tar.xz.asc</a> 11-Aug-2015 01:00 819^M
<a href="Python-3.5.0rc1.tgz">Python-3.5.0rc1.tgz</a> 11-Aug-2015 00:59 20038557^M
<a href="Python-3.5.0rc1.tgz.asc">Python-3.5.0rc1.tgz.asc</a> 11-Aug-2015 01:00 819^M
<a href="Python-3.5.0rc2.tar.xz">Python-3.5.0rc2.tar.xz</a> 25-Aug-2015 17:26 14841476^M
<a href="Python-3.5.0rc2.tar.xz.asc">Python-3.5.0rc2.tar.xz.asc</a> 25-Aug-2015 17:26 819^M
<a href="Python-3.5.0rc2.tgz">Python-3.5.0rc2.tgz</a> 25-Aug-2015 17:25 20055455^M
<a href="Python-3.5.0rc2.tgz.asc">Python-3.5.0rc2.tgz.asc</a> 25-Aug-2015 17:26 819^M
<a href="python-3.5.0a1-amd64-webinstall.exe">python-3.5.0a1-amd64-webinstall.exe</a> 08-Feb-2015 03:14              916296^M
<a href="python-3.5.0a1-amd64.exe">python-3.5.0a1-amd64.exe</a> 08-Feb-2015 03:14 22844576^M
<a href="python-3.5.0a1-macosx10.5.pkg">python-3.5.0a1-macosx10.5.pkg</a> 08-Feb-2015 02:28 25160803^M
<a href="python-3.5.0a1-macosx10.5.pkg.asc">python-3.5.0a1-macosx10.5.pkg.asc</a> 8-Feb-2015 02:28                 819^M

Resolved host is:

Perhaps too-aggressive cache configuration, or not so good revalidate settings @ Fastly?
msg250220 - (view) Author: Berker Peksag (berker.peksag) * (Python committer) Date: 2015-09-08 15:36
koobs and I have confirmed(on #python-dev) this was a cache issue.
msg250221 - (view) Author: Kubilay Kocak (koobs) (Python triager) Date: 2015-09-08 15:40
Was a bug, now fixed (adjust title/resolution to compensate)

Thanks Berker!
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:58:20adminsetgithub: 69213
2015-09-08 15:40:07koobssetresolution: not a bug -> fixed
messages: + msg250221
title: Missing 3.5.0 RC3 tarballs (FTP) -> Missing 3.5.0 RC3 tarballs (FTP) on Fastly nodes
2015-09-08 15:36:10berker.peksagsetstatus: open -> closed

nosy: + berker.peksag
messages: + msg250220

resolution: not a bug
stage: resolved
2015-09-08 12:41:22koobssetmessages: + msg250193
2015-09-08 11:01:52martin.pantersetnosy: + martin.panter
messages: + msg250179
2015-09-08 05:38:22koobscreate