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Title: Revert PEP 453 integration
Type: Stage:
Components: Versions: Python 3.4
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: dstufft Nosy List: dstufft, larry, loewis, ncoghlan, vstinner
Priority: release blocker Keywords:

Created on 2014-01-02 10:22 by loewis, last changed 2022-04-11 14:57 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (9)
msg207149 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-01-02 10:22
According to PEP 453, the integration of pip must be reverted if PIP 1.5 was not released by December 29. AFAICT, this hasn't happened. So is it ok that I revert the PIP integration by Saturday?
msg207150 - (view) Author: STINNER Victor (vstinner) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-01-02 10:25
> So is it ok that I revert the PIP integration by Saturday?

I'm not ok, this PEP is expected by many users. There is for example, an article on the PEP:

> According to PEP 453, the integration of pip must be reverted if PIP 1.5 was not released by December 29. AFAICT, this hasn't happened.

What is the status of PIP 1.5? Is there an expected release date? Or a list of blocker bugs?
msg207151 - (view) Author: Donald Stufft (dstufft) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-01-02 10:30
It's basically ready for a release. We had a last minute bug with distlib that was fixed by distlib 0.6 released on 12-31. I was giving the rc that had that bug fix a day or two for any other issues to surface before making the final release.
msg207152 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-01-02 10:31
The only "known" (to me) release date of PIP is documented on

"Beta and final releases of 1.5 are planned for end of 2013."

Apparently, this hasn't happened, either. Something *must* happen by Saturday, I veto the release of 3.4b2 with no final PIP 1.5 release.
msg207153 - (view) Author: Larry Hastings (larry) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-01-02 10:32
I agree--though it would be better if you simply got it in before Saturday.
msg207154 - (view) Author: Donald Stufft (dstufft) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-01-02 10:35
I'll have it released today, there are no known issues with the last rc of pip. I just didn't want to release the fix to the distlib issue without a day or two of an RC (which we've now had) and the folks who reported the issue verifying it fixed for them (which they've now done).
msg207155 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-01-02 10:41
But it's not in git, AFAICT,

still has "1.5rc4" in 93820f5e37, and still points to 1.4.1. So what do you mean by "released today"?
msg207156 - (view) Author: Donald Stufft (dstufft) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-01-02 10:44
It's not released yet, I'll have it (future tense) release today. It's roughly 6am here and I'm getting ready to get my daughter ready for school. I just happened to check my email before starting that. Once I get her on the bus I'll do the release.
msg207166 - (view) Author: Donald Stufft (dstufft) * (Python committer) Date: 2014-01-02 14:44
pip 1.5 is released and CPython has been updated.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:57:56adminsetgithub: 64306
2014-01-02 14:44:02dstufftsetstatus: open -> closed
assignee: dstufft
resolution: fixed
messages: + msg207166
2014-01-02 10:44:30dstufftsetmessages: + msg207156
2014-01-02 10:41:30loewissetmessages: + msg207155
2014-01-02 10:35:23dstufftsetmessages: + msg207154
2014-01-02 10:32:45larrysetmessages: + msg207153
2014-01-02 10:31:39loewissetmessages: + msg207152
2014-01-02 10:30:34dstufftsetmessages: + msg207151
2014-01-02 10:25:19vstinnersetnosy: + vstinner
messages: + msg207150
2014-01-02 10:22:23loewiscreate