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Title: typo in documentation - lib ref section
Type: Stage:
Components: Documentation Versions: Python 2.5
Status: closed Resolution: out of date
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: bsherman, georg.brandl
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2007-10-15 19:26 by bsherman, last changed 2022-04-11 14:56 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (4)
msg56460 - (view) Author: Ben Sherman (bsherman) Date: 2007-10-15 19:26
If, a little later on, "-tracks=4" is seen, it does:


That should read --tracks=4, not -tracks=4

Found at
msg56464 - (view) Author: Ben Sherman (bsherman) Date: 2007-10-15 19:37
Typos corrected.
msg56539 - (view) Author: Ben Sherman (bsherman) Date: 2007-10-18 18:54
There were typos in my original bug report - the typo in the
documentation is still a bug.  Ugh, someone must have brewed decaf.
msg56544 - (view) Author: Georg Brandl (georg.brandl) * (Python committer) Date: 2007-10-18 21:16
In fact, the error is not a typo, but a glitch in latex2html's handling
of "--". It's already corrected in the 2.5 branch and needs no
correction in later branches.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:56:27adminsetgithub: 45622
2007-10-18 21:16:19georg.brandlsetstatus: open -> closed
resolution: out of date
messages: + msg56544
nosy: + georg.brandl
2007-10-18 18:54:13bshermansetmessages: + msg56539
title: type in docutmentation - lib ref section -> typo in documentation - lib ref section
2007-10-15 19:37:09bshermansetmessages: + msg56464
title: type in docutmentatio section -> type in docutmentation - lib ref section
2007-10-15 19:26:02bshermancreate