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Author csmayfield
Recipients csmayfield, georg.brandl
Date 2009-07-17.15:39:08
SpamBayes Score 0.0036267936
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In tutorial/inputoutput.html:
"This also greater control over how the value is formatted. The 
following example truncates the Pi to three places after the decimal."

Should be:
"This allows greater control over how the value is formatted. The 
following example truncates pi to three places after the decimal."

Next subsection:
"However, because this old style of formatting will eventually removed 
from the language str.format() should generally be used."

Should be:
"However, because this old style of formatting will eventually be 
removed from the language, str.format() should generally be used."
Date User Action Args
2009-07-17 15:39:10csmayfieldsetrecipients: + csmayfield, georg.brandl
2009-07-17 15:39:10csmayfieldsetmessageid: <>
2009-07-17 15:39:08csmayfieldlinkissue6505 messages
2009-07-17 15:39:08csmayfieldcreate