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Author rogerbinns
Recipients cdavid, rogerbinns
Date 2009-07-05.07:25:23
SpamBayes Score 8.943801e-11
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
This issue is highly annoying.  The ultimate cause is the msi code using
the StrictVersion class to get the version number.  StrictVersion is
documented to be constrained to numerical dot separated versions, and
there doesn't appear to be a way of providing that.  My extension has a
human readable version and I'm happy to also provide a different mangled
version to keep this command working.  I suspect the strictversion
doesn't actually matter than much and is only used to identify an
identical version of the installer so there is no reason why it can't be
automatically derived from the human readable version.
Date User Action Args
2009-07-05 07:25:26rogerbinnssetrecipients: + rogerbinns, cdavid
2009-07-05 07:25:25rogerbinnssetmessageid: <>
2009-07-05 07:25:24rogerbinnslinkissue6040 messages
2009-07-05 07:25:23rogerbinnscreate