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Author eric.smith
Recipients LambertDW, eric.smith, ezio.melotti, gvanrossum, mark.dickinson, ncoghlan, orsenthil, pitrou, terry.reedy
Date 2009-04-22.00:55:29
SpamBayes Score 0.0009904905
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Documentation changes checked into trunk in r71788 and py3k in r71790.

Issue closed.
Date User Action Args
2009-04-22 00:55:31eric.smithsetrecipients: + eric.smith, gvanrossum, terry.reedy, mark.dickinson, ncoghlan, orsenthil, pitrou, LambertDW, ezio.melotti
2009-04-22 00:55:31eric.smithsetmessageid: <>
2009-04-22 00:55:30eric.smithlinkissue5237 messages
2009-04-22 00:55:30eric.smithcreate