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Author vstinner
Recipients lemburg, mark.dickinson, rpetrov, vstinner
Date 2009-01-17.13:00:01
SpamBayes Score 3.7935337e-07
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
> Looks pretty good at first glance, except that it seems that the UTF-32 to
> UTF-16 translation is skipped if HAVE_USABLE_WCHAR_T is defined.  Is that
> deliberate?

    memcpy(unicode->str, w, size * sizeof(wchar_t));

I understand this code as: sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(Py_UNICODE). If I 
misunderstood the code, it's a a heap overflow :-) So there is no not 
conversion from UTF-32 to UTF-16 using memcpy if HAVE_USABLE_WCHAR_T is 
defined, right?

> A test would be good, too.

PyUnicode_FromWideChar() is not a public API. Should I write a function in 
Date User Action Args
2009-01-17 13:00:04vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, lemburg, mark.dickinson, rpetrov
2009-01-17 13:00:02vstinnerlinkissue4474 messages
2009-01-17 13:00:01vstinnercreate