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Author lemburg
Recipients lemburg, pitrou, vstinner
Date 2009-01-08.09:29:17
SpamBayes Score 0.01711072
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
On 2009-01-08 01:59, STINNER Victor wrote:
> STINNER Victor <> added the comment:
> Patch replacing "s*" parsing format by "y*" for:
>  - utf_7_decode()
>  - utf_8_decode()
>  - utf_16_decode()
>  - utf_16_le_decode()
>  - utf_16_be_decode()
>  - utf_16_ex_decode()
>  - utf_32_decode()
>  - utf_32_le_decode()
>  - utf_32_be_decode()
>  - utf_32_ex_decode()
>  - latin_1_decode()
>  - ascii_decode()
>  - charmap_decode()
>  - mbcs_decode()

These are fine.

>  - unicode_escape_decode()
>  - raw_unicode_escape_decode()

These changes are in line with their C API codec interfaces as well,
but those particular codecs could well also be made to work on Unicode
input, since unescaping can well be applied to Unicode as well.

I'll probably open a new item for this.

> Using, all tests are ok (with 19 skipped tests). I guess 
> that there is not tests for all these functions :-/

The mbcs codec is only available on Windows.

All others are tested by

Which ones are skipped in your case ?

> Note: codecs documentation was already correct:
> .. method:: Codec.decode(input[, errors])
>    (...)
>    *input* must be a bytes object or one which provides the read-only 
> character
>    buffer interface -- for example, buffer objects and memory mapped 
> files.

That's not entirely correct: codecs are allowed to accept any
object type and can also return any object type. It up to them
to decide, e.g. a codec may accept both bytes and Unicode input
and always generate Unicode output when decoding.

I guess I have to review those doc changes...
Date User Action Args
2009-01-08 09:29:21lemburgsetrecipients: + lemburg, pitrou, vstinner
2009-01-08 09:29:20lemburglinkissue4874 messages
2009-01-08 09:29:18lemburgcreate