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Author Jim_C
Recipients Jim_C
Date 2008-12-15.21:26:06
SpamBayes Score 2.418561e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Running pydoc [ pydoc <modulename> ] on a python module using Tkinter 
displayed the window defined in the module - not what I was 
expecting..   Running pydoc on

from os import remove

will remove the file tmp.tmp, if it exists. 
If this behaviour is intentional ( as it appears to be, see 
imp.load_module ) & presumably integral to the operation of pydoc, then 
it might be worth providing a warning on the web page ( ) ?? 
Running a code with default arguments in an arbitrary directory could 
potentially produce unwanted side effects, at the very least..
Regards ,
Date User Action Args
2008-12-15 21:27:14Jim_Csetrecipients: + Jim_C
2008-12-15 21:27:14Jim_Csetmessageid: <>
2008-12-15 21:26:07Jim_Clinkissue4671 messages
2008-12-15 21:26:06Jim_Ccreate