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Author rpetrov
Recipients rpetrov, zooko
Date 2008-12-07.20:07:22
SpamBayes Score 2.3425706e-14
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
About the regression test results test.
The result from 2008-11-29 is:
306 tests OK.
1 test failed:
54 tests skipped:
Those skips are all expected on win32.

To get those results you mingwex library has to contain fixes for two
issues(see mingw32 bug tracker).
- 2136252 (fixed in trunk): c99, printf and float zero precision;
- 2117590 (pending): correction of function asinh - inverse hyperbolic
sine. For the python regression tests copysign is enough.

About "test_sundry" depend on _msi module. I don't plan to work on mingw
build for _msi module. Note that mingw build is with OS system default
msvcrt so there is no "Assembly Hell".

The trunk from 2008-12-07 fail in addition on test_anydbm, test_bsddb
and test_whichdb.
No idea what is wrong. It seems to that break is related to updates. As
example dbm module still fail to build on my linux.
Date User Action Args
2008-12-07 20:07:25rpetrovsetrecipients: + rpetrov, zooko
2008-12-07 20:07:25rpetrovsetmessageid: <>
2008-12-07 20:07:24rpetrovlinkissue3871 messages
2008-12-07 20:07:23rpetrovcreate