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Author tlynn
Recipients loewis, niemeyer, timehorse, tlynn
Date 2008-10-13.14:46:41
SpamBayes Score 1.1644144e-06
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Yes, that's right. The binary aspect of it was something of a red
herring, I'm afraid, although I still think that (or parsing in general)
is an important use case. The prime motivation it that it's easy to
either forget the '\Z' or to use '$' instead, which both cause subtle
bugs. An exact() method might help to avoid that.
Date User Action Args
2008-10-13 14:46:42tlynnsetrecipients: + tlynn, loewis, niemeyer, timehorse
2008-10-13 14:46:42tlynnsetmessageid: <>
2008-10-13 14:46:41tlynnlinkissue1708652 messages
2008-10-13 14:46:41tlynncreate