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Author matthijs
Recipients georg.brandl, klankschap, matthijs
Date 2008-09-16.11:38:44
SpamBayes Score 2.5995478e-10
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I've written a new patch, which works a bit better. You can find the new
patch attached.

I've restructed the patch to prevent code duplication. Also, it now
works with other chunks than bext (I had a file with a list chunk which
triggered my interest in this bug). This is done with a hardcoded list
of valid chunks. However, it seems that there is no complete list of
valid chunk types, so it might be better to remove the chunk type check

Also, this patch explicitly checks for overflow, since taking a slice of
a sequence does not seem to trigger an IndexError, but just return an
empty sequence.
Date User Action Args
2008-09-16 11:39:04matthijssetrecipients: + matthijs, georg.brandl, klankschap
2008-09-16 11:39:03matthijssetmessageid: <>
2008-09-16 11:38:47matthijslinkissue1611944 messages
2008-09-16 11:38:47matthijscreate