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Author ms
Recipients ms
Date 2008-08-27.22:44:17
SpamBayes Score 0.026101364
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I'm running Python 3.0b2 (r30b2:65106, Jul 18 2008, 18:44:17) [MSC
v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32.
Typing help('finally') loops, repeatedly typing the following two lines

File "C:\Python30\lib\", line 1777, in showtopic
  return self.showtopic(target)
Date User Action Args
2008-08-27 22:44:19mssetrecipients: + ms
2008-08-27 22:44:19mssetmessageid: <>
2008-08-27 22:44:18mslinkissue3707 messages
2008-08-27 22:44:18mscreate