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Author janssen
Recipients gvanrossum, janssen, jimjjewett, loewis, mgiuca, orsenthil, pitrou, thomaspinckney3
Date 2008-08-13.17:05:19
SpamBayes Score 4.3516342e-05
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Erik van der Poel at Google has now chimed in with stats on current URL

``...the bottom line is that escaped non-utf-8 is still quite prevalent,
enough (in my opinion) to require an implementation in Python, possibly
even allowing for different encodings in the path and query parts (e.g.
utf-8 path and gb2312 query).''

I think it's worth remembering that a very large proportion of the use
of Python's urllib.unquote() is in implementations of Web server
frameworks of one sort or another.  We can't control what the browsers
that talk to such frameworks produce; the IETF doesn't control that,
either.  In this case, "practicality beats purity" is the clarion call
of the browser designers, and we'd better be able to support them.
Date User Action Args
2008-08-13 17:05:22janssensetrecipients: + janssen, gvanrossum, loewis, jimjjewett, orsenthil, pitrou, thomaspinckney3, mgiuca
2008-08-13 17:05:21janssensetmessageid: <>
2008-08-13 17:05:20janssenlinkissue3300 messages
2008-08-13 17:05:19janssencreate