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Author effbot
Recipients effbot, georg.brandl, vstinner
Date 2008-07-06.18:32:25
SpamBayes Score 0.00017827863
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
This report makes no sense to me; at least in Python 2.X, PyObject_Del
removes a chunk of memory from the object heap.  It's designed to be
used from dealloc implementations, to release the actual memory (either
directly, or as the default implementation for the tp_free slot).  It
can also be used in constructors, to destroy an object that was just
created if something goes wrong.

If you change PyObject_Del to Py_DECREF nillywilly, things will indeed

(with the original 2.5 code, I cannot see how a non-string argument to
finditer() can result in a call to scanner_dealloc(); the argument will
be rejected by getstring(), which causes state_init() to return, which
causes pattern_scanner() to free the object it just created, and return.)
Date User Action Args
2008-07-06 18:32:27effbotsetspambayes_score: 0.000178279 -> 0.00017827863
recipients: + effbot, georg.brandl, vstinner
2008-07-06 18:32:27effbotsetspambayes_score: 0.000178279 -> 0.000178279
messageid: <>
2008-07-06 18:32:27effbotlinkissue3299 messages
2008-07-06 18:32:26effbotcreate