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Author jasonlowe
Date 2001-10-05.17:09:22
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

I've submitted the patch for pthread signal masking.  My
biggest concerns are the guesses I made for DCE threads and
whether they will work for AIX which might need to use

Regarding reproducing this on Linux, I was able to get Linux
to crash if I held down Ctrl-C (with fairly fast key
repeat).  After starting the spinning thread, Python would
crash on Linux under a storm of SIGINTs within 30 seconds or
so.  Without the spinning thread, I couldn't get it to
crash.  With the patch applied, the spinning thread running
during the storm of SIGINTs wouldn't crash it.  So that
implies the signal masking is doing something good even in
the Linux case.

Re: my SF problems, I submitted a few support requests. 
Hopefully something gets fixed.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 13:56:34adminlinkissue465673 messages
2007-08-23 13:56:34admincreate