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Author effbot
Recipients effbot
Date 2008-05-12.21:17:27
SpamBayes Score 0.0658502
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Eh?  Why did you add *everyone* involved the project to the nosy list?

(I'll leave explaining why breaking almost all Python programs in the
name of "consistency" is an absurd idea to someone else).
Date User Action Args
2008-05-12 21:17:39effbotsetspambayes_score: 0.0658502 -> 0.0658502
recipients: + effbot
2008-05-12 21:17:34effbotsetspambayes_score: 0.0658502 -> 0.0658502
messageid: <>
2008-05-12 21:17:32effbotlinkissue2842 messages
2008-05-12 21:17:30effbotcreate