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Author mark.dickinson
Recipients alanmcintyre, dtorp, mark.dickinson
Date 2008-02-18.15:46:09
SpamBayes Score 0.014838244
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
I don't think it would be appropriate to add this as a method of int; 
it seems like unnecessary clutter on a core type.

Perhaps a math.factorial function could be considered?  Historically,
the math module has just been a way to wrap the (mostly floating-point)
libm functions, but I think that may be changing:  there's at least some
interest in putting gcd into the math module, for example.

David, any chance you could come up with a patch implementing
Date User Action Args
2008-02-18 15:46:10mark.dickinsonsetspambayes_score: 0.0148382 -> 0.014838244
recipients: + mark.dickinson, dtorp, alanmcintyre
2008-02-18 15:46:10mark.dickinsonsetspambayes_score: 0.0148382 -> 0.0148382
messageid: <>
2008-02-18 15:46:09mark.dickinsonlinkissue2138 messages
2008-02-18 15:46:09mark.dickinsoncreate