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Author mlvanbie
Recipients mlvanbie
Date 2007-11-29.00:40:59
SpamBayes Score 0.07681935
Marked as misclassified No
Message-id <>
Currently, using deepcopy on instance methods causes an exception to be
thrown.  This can be fixed by adding one line to

d[types.MethodType] = _deepcopy_atomic

This will not make duplicate copies of mutable values referenced within
the instance method (such as its associated instance), but it will be
the same as the handling of other function types (which have the same
Date User Action Args
2007-11-29 00:41:00mlvanbiesetspambayes_score: 0.0768194 -> 0.07681935
recipients: + mlvanbie
2007-11-29 00:41:00mlvanbiesetspambayes_score: 0.0768194 -> 0.0768194
messageid: <>
2007-11-29 00:41:00mlvanbielinkissue1515 messages
2007-11-29 00:40:59mlvanbiecreate