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Author larry
Date 2007-03-11.18:19:03
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Howdy!  Much has transpired since I posted this patch.
* Guido expressed interest in having it in Py3k.
* I ported it to Py3k; it's Python patch #1629305 on SourceForge.
* Guido didn't like it, specifically discussing the pathological behavior of "lazy slices".
* I created a "v2 lazy slices" that eliminated the pathological behavior but added a lot of complexity.
* I ran a poll on the Py3k mailing list to see how interested people were in "lazy concatenation" and "v2 lazy slices".  Most people were +1 on lazy concatenation, and -1 on lazy slices (v1 or v2), a position I can completely endorse.  However, no Python luminaries replied, which--given the patch's checkered past--seemed like a vote of no-confidence.
* Guido closed patch #1629305.

Is there life after Guido patch-closing?  I'd be happy to spend the time answering your questions if my patch had some sort of future.  (Though you'll have to tell me what you mean by "break strict aliasing".)
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:55:15adminlinkissue1590352 messages
2007-08-23 15:55:15admincreate