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Author loewis
Date 2006-10-17.14:27:19
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
The attached patch corrects a number of errors in the
usage of PyErr_Format, for the Mac specific modules. It
should be reviewed for technical correctness wrt. the
Apple API, and also wrt. whether the patch changes
generated files.

In particular, the error corrections are:
- OSErr is a 16-bit value, can't parse with 'i'
- MusicMIDIPacket::data is UINT8[249], parsing it with
s# won't work, as s# outputs a char*. I *assume*
QtMusicMIDIPacket_Convert wants to get the string into
the data buffer
- In Qt_TuneSetHeader, an int* is passed to an 's'
argument. Not sure whether this is correct: shouldn't
there be a requirement that the string is a multiple of
sizeof(int) in length?
- SndCmd_Convert parses a char* into a long. This is
correct in terms of size for both 32-bit and 64-bit
systems. Is it also correct logically? (i.e. is param2
really a pointer?)
- TXNScrollBarState is a single-byte type
- ScrapFlavorFlags is an unsigned type
- Boolean is a single-byte type
- CFStringEncoding is now parsed through a long
temporary variable, as it's not clear what format code
would be correct
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:55:06adminlinkissue1578999 messages
2007-08-23 15:55:06admincreate