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Author Dutcho
Recipients Dutcho, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
Date 2022-04-06.11:48:10
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
BTW I just found 'py -0p' also no longer shows the 'venv' path

(venv) C:\>py -0p
 -V:3.11 *        C:\Program Files\Python311\python.exe
 -V:3.10          C:\Program Files\Python310\python.exe
 -V:3.9           C:\Program Files\Python39\python.exe
 -V:3.8           C:\Program Files\Python38\python.exe
(venv) C:\>pip -V
pip 22.0.4 from C:\...\venv\Lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.11)

Or should I make a separate bug entry for this?
Date User Action Args
2022-04-06 11:48:10Dutchosetrecipients: + Dutcho, paul.moore, tim.golden, zach.ware, steve.dower
2022-04-06 11:48:10Dutchosetmessageid: <>
2022-04-06 11:48:10Dutcholinkissue47239 messages
2022-04-06 11:48:10Dutchocreate