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Author larry
Recipients Dennis Sweeney, eric.smith, larry, pablogsal, tim.peters
Date 2022-04-02.21:50:46
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
One final aside.  Let me preface this by saying: I'm not proposing the following for graphlib.TopologicalSort.  It's obviously too late to change that object this much.  It's just something I'm thinking about--maybe I'll use this in my own library.

Where we are now, the graphlib.TopologicalSort object is simultaneously a static representation of a graph--which the object doesn't provide a public API for you to examine!--and a stateful single-use iterator over that graph.  My proposed change to the API seems to increase the tension between these two sets of semantics.  Perhaps a better set of semantics, that more successfully maps my use case to the graph object, would be as follows:

    * you can add() nodes and edges at any time.
    * get_ready() always returns the current list of nodes with no prececessors.  There is no internal "we already told you about this one" state.
    * replace done() with remove(), which removes the node and all edges from/to it from the graph.
    * static_order() is still fine.

I think this would make it easy to reason about the object's behavior, and would be a better match to my use case where you're continually adding (and removing?) nodes, not just during an initial "populate the graph" phase.

Again, not appropriate to consider for graphlib.TopologicalSort.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-02 21:50:46larrysetrecipients: + larry, tim.peters, eric.smith, pablogsal, Dennis Sweeney
2022-04-02 21:50:46larrysetmessageid: <>
2022-04-02 21:50:46larrylinkissue47145 messages
2022-04-02 21:50:46larrycreate