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Author Sophist
Recipients DazWorrall, Dima.Tisnek, Michele, Omer.Katz, Sophist, aconrad, alex, andrix, arigo, brian.curtin, carljm, coderanger, cool-RR, corona10, dabeaz, donaldjeo, durin42, eric.araujo, eric.smith, flox, gregory.p.smith, gvanrossum, hozn, jab, jcea, jhylton, jmehnle, karld, kevinwatters, konryd, larry, loewis, maartenbreddels, mahmoudimus, mark.dickinson, movement, ncoghlan, nirai, phsilva, pitrou, portante, rcohen, rh0dium, scoder, stuaxo, tarek, thouis, victorpoluceno, ysj.ray
Date 2022-03-21.21:08:59
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> I think that we should focus our efforts on removing the GIL, now that we have a feasible solution for doing so without breaking anything

Is this really a thing? Something that is definitely happening in a reasonable timescale?

Or are there some big compatibility issues likely to rear up and at best create delays, and at worse derail it completely?

Can someone give me some links about this please?
Date User Action Args
2022-03-21 21:08:59Sophistsetrecipients: + Sophist, gvanrossum, loewis, jhylton, arigo, gregory.p.smith, jcea, mark.dickinson, ncoghlan, pitrou, scoder, movement, larry, eric.smith, kevinwatters, tarek, karld, carljm, coderanger, phsilva, durin42, eric.araujo, nirai, alex, stuaxo, andrix, konryd, jab, brian.curtin, hozn, victorpoluceno, flox, DazWorrall, cool-RR, rh0dium, rcohen, dabeaz, mahmoudimus, portante, aconrad, ysj.ray, thouis, donaldjeo, Michele, jmehnle, Dima.Tisnek, Omer.Katz, corona10, maartenbreddels
2022-03-21 21:08:59Sophistsetmessageid: <>
2022-03-21 21:08:59Sophistlinkissue7946 messages
2022-03-21 21:08:59Sophistcreate