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Author grahamd
Recipients BTaskaya, grahamd, larry, ncoghlan, ofey404, ping, yselivanov
Date 2022-03-11.21:20:40
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
My vague recollection was that I identified some time back that partial() didn't behave correctly regards introspection for some use case I was trying to apply it to in the wrapt implementation. As a result I ended up creating my own PartialCallableObjectProxy implementation based around wrapt's own transparent object proxy object so that introspection worked properly and went with that where I needed it. I don't remember the exact details at the moment and don't think commit comments in code are likely to help. Even so, will try and spend some time this weekend looking more at the issue and see what I can remember about it and see if there is anything more I can comment on that may help.
Date User Action Args
2022-03-11 21:20:40grahamdsetrecipients: + grahamd, ping, ncoghlan, larry, yselivanov, BTaskaya, ofey404
2022-03-11 21:20:40grahamdsetmessageid: <>
2022-03-11 21:20:40grahamdlinkissue46761 messages
2022-03-11 21:20:40grahamdcreate