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Author rhettinger
Recipients docs@python, martin.panter, rhettinger, zuo
Date 2021-12-03.23:39:40
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Regarding comment #1, The wording is correct and there was a reason for using a method.  While super() can be used for attribute lookup, use cases are almost entirely dominated by method lookups.  For many users, an attribute lookup with super() is unconventional, weird, hard to grok, awkward to demonstrate, and not well motivated by the way super() is actually used.

    # Demonstration code for the example in text

    class A:
        def m(self):
            return 42

    class B(A):
        def m(obj):
            return super(B, obj).m()

    >>> b = B()
    >>> b.m()                             # Normal invocation 
    >>> A.__dict__['m'].__get__(b, B)()   # Equivalent call

That said, I will switch it to an attribute lookup for consistency with the other examples in the section and with the current version of the DescriptorHowto.

Regarding comment #2, the objtype argument is optional as shown in all of the examples.  The call from object.__getattribute__() always passes in both parameters, even though only the first is required.
    # Demonstration of __get__() being called with one or two params

    class A:
        def __init__(self, x):
            self.x = x
        def m(self, y):
            return self.x * y

    >>> a = A(10)
    >>> a.m(5)
    >>> vars(A)['m'].__get__(a)(5)     # objtype is not required
    >>> vars(A)['m'].__get__(a, A)(5)  # objtype may be used

    # Demonstration of object.__getattribute__ supplying both args

    class Desc:
        def __get__(self, *args):
            return args
    class B:
        z = Desc()
    >>> b = B()
    >>> b.z
    (<__main__.B object at 0x109156110>, <class '__main__.B'>)
Date User Action Args
2021-12-03 23:39:41rhettingersetrecipients: + rhettinger, zuo, docs@python, martin.panter
2021-12-03 23:39:41rhettingersetmessageid: <>
2021-12-03 23:39:41rhettingerlinkissue20751 messages
2021-12-03 23:39:40rhettingercreate