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Author lukasz.langa
Recipients berker.peksag, daniel.urban, eriknw, grahamd, gvanrossum, ionelmc, iritkatriel, lukasz.langa, miss-islington, pitrou, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka
Date 2021-11-19.18:43:59
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
New changeset e34809e1c2a09478f4e0651d551c9c12d3c556ab by Raymond Hettinger in branch 'main':
bpo-19072: Classmethod can wrap other classmethod like descriptors (GH-29634)
Date User Action Args
2021-11-19 18:43:59lukasz.langasetrecipients: + lukasz.langa, gvanrossum, rhettinger, pitrou, grahamd, ionelmc, daniel.urban, berker.peksag, serhiy.storchaka, eriknw, miss-islington, iritkatriel
2021-11-19 18:43:59lukasz.langasetmessageid: <>
2021-11-19 18:43:59lukasz.langalinkissue19072 messages
2021-11-19 18:43:59lukasz.langacreate