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Author lwalejko
Recipients ALSchwalm, RhinosF1, dgw, lwalejko, miss-islington, paul.j3, rhettinger
Date 2021-11-10.09:50:27
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I can also confirm that there is an regression in Python 3.9.8 regarding argparse

For example, using watchdog 2.1.6 package

Python 3.9.7 (correct behaviour)
In [1]: from watchdog import watchmedo
In [2]: watchmedo.cli.parse_args(["auto-restart", "echo", "123"])
Out[2]: Namespace(command='echo', command_args=['123'], directories=None, patterns='*', ignore_patterns='', ignore_directories=False, recursive=False, timeout=1.0, signal='SIGINT', debug_force_polling=False, kill_after=10.0, func=<function auto_restart at 0x7f296d1d9dc0>)

Python 3.9.8 (incorrect behaviour)
In [1]: from watchdog import watchmedo
In [2]: watchmedo.cli.parse_args(["auto-restart", "echo", "123"])
Out[2]: Namespace(command='auto-restart', command_args=['123'], directories=None, patterns='*', ignore_patterns='', ignore_directories=False, recursive=False, timeout=1.0, signal='SIGINT', debug_force_polling=False, kill_after=10.0, func=<function auto_restart at 0x7fc39480cee0>)
Date User Action Args
2021-11-10 09:50:27lwalejkosetrecipients: + lwalejko, rhettinger, paul.j3, miss-islington, RhinosF1, ALSchwalm, dgw
2021-11-10 09:50:27lwalejkosetmessageid: <>
2021-11-10 09:50:27lwalejkolinkissue45235 messages
2021-11-10 09:50:27lwalejkocreate