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Author shihai1991
Recipients erlendaasland, petr.viktorin, rhettinger, shihai1991
Date 2021-10-14.05:24:07
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> The only thing the proposed PR adds is a way to set ht_module, which actually isn't very useful (it's used for module state access.

Hm, there have some static types. so I create the PyStructSequence_FromModuleAndDes() could receive tp_flags and try convert those static types to the heap type. eg:
We can not do this converting operation by calling PyStructSequence_NewType(), no?

This is my *reason* to create PR-28573 :)
Date User Action Args
2021-10-14 05:24:07shihai1991setrecipients: + shihai1991, rhettinger, petr.viktorin, erlendaasland
2021-10-14 05:24:07shihai1991setmessageid: <>
2021-10-14 05:24:07shihai1991linkissue45113 messages
2021-10-14 05:24:07shihai1991create