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Author uriyyo
Recipients JelleZijlstra, domdfcoding, gvanrossum, joperez, kj, levkivskyi, lukasz.langa, miss-islington, uriyyo
Date 2021-07-20.15:17:12
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Jelle thanks for pointing this out, I will implement helper function in C and use it as a __call__ method for NewType
Date User Action Args
2021-07-20 15:17:12uriyyosetrecipients: + uriyyo, gvanrossum, lukasz.langa, levkivskyi, JelleZijlstra, miss-islington, joperez, domdfcoding, kj
2021-07-20 15:17:12uriyyosetmessageid: <>
2021-07-20 15:17:12uriyyolinkissue44353 messages
2021-07-20 15:17:12uriyyocreate