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Author steve.dower
Recipients WildCard65, docs@python, paul.moore, shreyanavigyan, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
Date 2021-05-10.15:28:26
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I still don't think the patch goes anywhere near far enough to be useful.

Most likely we should preface that section with a "we recommend using a third-party build backend for your package, such as ... and refer to for up to date suggestions" and then the rest of the section shows literally the build steps to compile an extension module (so that build backend authors have a reference).

We should *not* have a section on using setuptools, or if we do, it should consist entirely of a link to the latest setuptools documentation. Their interface is not tied to our release schedule, and could change at any time, invalidating our docs (which is a *good* thing, provided we haven't documented them).
Date User Action Args
2021-05-10 15:28:27steve.dowersetrecipients: + steve.dower, paul.moore, tim.golden, docs@python, zach.ware, WildCard65, shreyanavigyan
2021-05-10 15:28:27steve.dowersetmessageid: <>
2021-05-10 15:28:27steve.dowerlinkissue43804 messages
2021-05-10 15:28:26steve.dowercreate