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Author erlendaasland
Recipients christian.heimes, erlendaasland, pablogsal, serhiy.storchaka, shreyanavigyan, vstinner
Date 2021-04-26.20:30:19
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> Can I get rid of the function with "{Py_tp_new, NULL}" [...]

Unfortunately not. The workaround in 993e88cf08994f7c1e0f9f62fda4ed32634ee2ad does the trick though.
Date User Action Args
2021-04-26 20:30:19erlendaaslandsetrecipients: + erlendaasland, vstinner, christian.heimes, serhiy.storchaka, pablogsal, shreyanavigyan
2021-04-26 20:30:19erlendaaslandsetmessageid: <>
2021-04-26 20:30:19erlendaaslandlinkissue43916 messages
2021-04-26 20:30:19erlendaaslandcreate