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Author freundTech
Recipients brandtbucher, eric.smith, freundTech, gvanrossum
Date 2021-04-07.13:07:21
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The dataclass decorator can take multiple parameters to enable or disable the generation of certain methods.

PEP 634 Structural Pattern Matching extends dataclasses to also generate a __match_args__ attribute.

I think adding a parameter to enable and disable generation of __match_args__ should be to dataclass should also be considered for consistency.

Note that setting compare=False on a dataclass.field already excludes that field from __match_args__, but there is no way to disable generation of __match_args__ completely.
Date User Action Args
2021-04-07 13:07:21freundTechsetrecipients: + freundTech, gvanrossum, eric.smith, brandtbucher
2021-04-07 13:07:21freundTechsetmessageid: <>
2021-04-07 13:07:21freundTechlinkissue43764 messages
2021-04-07 13:07:21freundTechcreate