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Author CAM-Gerlach
Recipients CAM-Gerlach, DMI-1407, ZackerySpytz, eryksun, izbyshev, lukasz.langa, paul.moore, python-dev, steve.dower, terry.reedy, tim.golden, zach.ware
Date 2021-03-15.03:58:11
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Sorry I never got around to this, I was planning on it and then life and COVID intervened. I can give it another look now to get it in before the 3.10 feature freeze (since I at least documented in detail what each change should be, so it should be relatively straightforward) unless someone else would rather take it.

> PEP 11 says that "[a] new feature release X.Y.0 will support all Windows releases whose extended support phase is not yet expired". There was no such thing as Extended Security Updates (ESU) when that provision was accepted. As defined by PEP 11, extended support for Windows 7 ended on 2020-01-14. 

Yeah, "Extended Support" has a very specific, defined meaning [1] in Microsoft standard terminology (and other vendors as well), as the support phase after "Mainstream Support" but before the product end of life, where security updates and potentially limited bugfixes are still offered to all customers and the product is still considered supported, but new features and phone support is not. This ended 2020-01-24.


ESU [2] is a specialized, paid program available to high volume enterprise customers as a "last resort option" that pay big $$$ to continue receiving critical security updates for a limited time. This fulfills neither the letter nor the spirit of the policy defined in PEP 11; if such vendors need support for bleeding-edge Python versions for some reason, it certainly should be well within their means to fund someone to do so.

Date User Action Args
2021-03-15 03:58:12CAM-Gerlachsetrecipients: + CAM-Gerlach, terry.reedy, paul.moore, tim.golden, lukasz.langa, python-dev, zach.ware, eryksun, steve.dower, izbyshev, ZackerySpytz, DMI-1407
2021-03-15 03:58:11CAM-Gerlachsetmessageid: <>
2021-03-15 03:58:11CAM-Gerlachlinkissue32592 messages
2021-03-15 03:58:11CAM-Gerlachcreate