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Author vstinner
Recipients Arfrever, David.Edelsohn,, christian.heimes, glaubitz, vstinner
Date 2021-02-15.11:35:15
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I checked buildbots, we only have s390x workers (SLES, Debian, Fedora, RHEL7, RHEL8):

        ("s390x SLES", "edelsohn-sles-z", UnixBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x Debian", "edelsohn-debian-z", UnixBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x Fedora", "edelsohn-fedora-z", UnixBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x Fedora Refleaks", "edelsohn-fedora-z", UnixRefleakBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x Fedora Clang", "edelsohn-fedora-z", ClangUnixBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x Fedora Clang Installed", "edelsohn-fedora-z", ClangUnixInstalledBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x Fedora LTO", "edelsohn-fedora-z", LTONonDebugUnixBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x Fedora LTO + PGO", "edelsohn-fedora-z", LTOPGONonDebugBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x RHEL7", "edelsohn-rhel-z", UnixBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x RHEL7 Refleaks", "edelsohn-rhel-z", UnixRefleakBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x RHEL7 LTO", "edelsohn-rhel-z", LTONonDebugUnixBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x RHEL7 LTO + PGO", "edelsohn-rhel-z", LTOPGONonDebugBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x RHEL8", "edelsohn-rhel8-z", UnixBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x RHEL8 Refleaks", "edelsohn-rhel8-z", UnixRefleakBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x RHEL8 LTO", "edelsohn-rhel8-z", LTONonDebugUnixBuild, STABLE),
        ("s390x RHEL8 LTO + PGO", "edelsohn-rhel8-z", LTOPGONonDebugBuild, STABLE),

There is no s390 worker running, so I would not say that we still support this platform.

Since 2010, there were 5 commits (all made by me ;-) to fix tests) mentioning "s390" but all of them are about the 64-bit s390x arch, not the 32-bit arch.
Date User Action Args
2021-02-15 11:35:16vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, christian.heimes, Arfrever, David.Edelsohn,, glaubitz
2021-02-15 11:35:16vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2021-02-15 11:35:16vstinnerlinkissue43179 messages
2021-02-15 11:35:15vstinnercreate